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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Breathing: The Way Back to Balance

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“If you don’t like what’s happening in your life, change your mind.”

This brief quotation from the Dalai Lama reminds me that my experience of life changes as I do. As I change, I change the way I influence - and am influenced by - my surroundings.

How are you inventing your life today? How does the way you think affect your actions? And how might you become more aware of the process?

A centering breath is a place to start.

When you're stressed, in conflict, or otherwise under pressure, do you hold your breath? Most people do. When you stop the natural flow of air, you become tense and unbalanced, physically and emotionally. Your body, mind and spirit are disconnected.

One of the easiest ways to regain your balance is to start breathing again. Open your throat, relax your body and allow inspiration to take place. Inspiration–a great word, isn't it? Your breath is your life energy that connects to inner wisdom, resources and strength.

 A good way to practice centering is to notice how often you hold your breath. The awareness will trigger you to start breathing again. The more you notice, the less you'll hold your breath, and the more relaxed and centered you'll be.  Try it. And let me know what happens!

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My name is Thoat, a product of 80's and father of two girls. When I'm not working, randomly posting on this blog about self improvement.Thank you for stopping by !

Title: Breathing: The Way Back to Balance
Writen by: Thoat
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