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Saturday, July 11, 2015

5 Tips For Choosing The Right Motivational Posters For The Office

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As with choosing any art piece whether it is a print, original painting, sculpture, photograph or collectable, you can make or break a room choosing incorrectly.

You can make quite a statement with the correct art piece! It can communicate on many different levels.

Have you ever walked into an office for the very first time and while waiting, find yourself looking around, examining everything in the room? You can get a real good feel for the people there and get a sense of what they are all about.

From your own experiences and observations you’ve probably seen people with very good taste and then again, people who do not seem to have a clue about design or even worse yet, people who don’t care a hoot about aesthetics at all!

But if you are reading this article, then I’m sure you are not one of those people in the last category! Thank Goodness! We need all the aesthetics we can get on this sometimes seemingly wacky place we live!

Tip # 1

And probably the most important, if you don’t absolutely love it, don’t buy it!

Tip # 2

If you are making the art piece the focal point of the room, build around it. All the office furniture and accessories should compliment the print.

Tip # 3

Don’t overpower the poster with too much color on the walls or furniture unless it is a very dramatic print that can carry it well! It will just disappear into the background.

Tip # 4

What is it that you want to convey to your employees, leadership, initiative, teamwork, success, confidence, determination? It’s important to get across the right message. A captivating print with an inspirational quote can be a powerful tool that can help motivate staff and impress clients who come to your place of business.

Tip # 5

Choosing the right frame can make a huge difference in the overall appearance of the motivational posters you choose. You want people to see the prints and get your message across so choose carefully.

If a motivational poster or print moves you and you feel it will motivate other who see it, then you have a winner!!!

Enjoy the research of finding what is right for your office!

|The Self Improvement and Development Blog | 
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My name is Thoat, a product of 80's and father of two girls. When I'm not working, randomly posting on this blog about self improvement.Thank you for stopping by !

Title: 5 Tips For Choosing The Right Motivational Posters For The Office
Writen by: Thoat
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