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Saturday, July 18, 2015

5 Attributes Of Successful People

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Disciplined, Uncompromising, Tough, Courageous and Humourous (D.U.T.C.H). The 5 main attributes that are to be found in most successful people. This has resulted from a careful study of the main personality traits to be found in the worlds most successful people from politicians, sportsmen and women and business people.


Successful people are well organised and self disciplined. Often they have been brought up in a structured disciplined environment. From being led they know how to lead. They are respectful of others and know how to command respect from others. They understand the importance of loyalty and demand loyalty from others.


Successful people do not accept half measures. They do not tolerate incompetence. They speak out against injustice. They stand up to unnecessary bureaucracy and demand fairness and correctness in the world around them. They will 'fight their corner' in every situation.


Successful people are tough. They resist personal attack without emotional reactions. They possess a 'thick skin'. They are able to accept critisism without being offended.


Successful people have the courage of their beliefs and convictions. They are able to face up to adversity. They succeed often against huge odds because they have the courage and the vision to plough through all the barriers and obstacles placed in their way.


Successful people will possess a sense of humour. They will not become stressed and will often overcome difficult situations by their wit and well placed humour.

Be sure to remember D.U.T.C.H to remind you of the 5 attributes of successful people. This is by no means an exhaustive list of attributes possessed by successful people but by concentrating on these 5 will give you a good head start in your self help process and you will find that all other attributes necessary to make you successful will fall into place naturally.

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My name is Thoat, a product of 80's and father of two girls. When I'm not working, randomly posting on this blog about self improvement.Thank you for stopping by !

Title: 5 Attributes Of Successful People
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